Abandoned Kitten Ran Up to Cyclist for Help - He Couldn't Leave Her

Abandoned Kitten Ran Up to Cyclist for Help - He Couldn't Leave Her


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A cyclist was out on a ride when he came across a tiny kitten who appeared to have been abandoned. As soon as the little tabby noticed him, she ran up to him, crying for help.

Özgür Nevres from Turkey went on a routine training session two weeks ago. His plan was to ride to the airport and then back to the Bosphorus University campus where he works.

Özgür Nevres

"When I reached the airport, which is around 50km from home, I stopped to take photos of the landing planes," Nevres wrote on his blog.

That's when he heard a tiny meow and instinctively, he began to look. Nevres has a soft spot for animals in need and has rescued kittens and cats in the area. He followed the cries and saw a tiny kitten all alone.

"I looked around and saw an adorable tabby kitten running towards me, crying. She was around four weeks old and was looking very hungry," he wrote. "I couldn't leave her there."

The kitten was found by the airport, remote from any stores and residential areas. Nevres wanted to get her some food, but he was too far away from any establishments. "She was crying for help... I decided to carry her to the Bosphorus University," he wrote.

At first, he was worried that the kitten might try to escape, but leaving the kitten "in the middle of nowhere" without food and water would give her little chance for survival. He carefully and securely tucked her into his jersey and slowly started pedaling.

"Amazingly, she wasn't scared. She even enjoyed the journey. She stuck her head out of my jersey and started watching around," he wrote.

Watch their journey in this video:

The kitten seemed very content to be in the embrace of her rescuer and she didn't cry throughout the entire trip as if she knew that he was taking her somewhere safe.

When he got back on campus, he stopped to get her some food, but it didn't just end there. Nevres wanted to find the little one a forever home so she would no longer need to worry about food and shelter.

Özgür Nevres

The next day, he went online and began searching for a good home for the kitty. "In a few hours, I received a phone call. Long story short, this adorable little kitten now has a loving family," he wrote.

The sweet kitten went from being abandoned to now having a forever home where she's loved and spoiled. Nevres couldn't be happier.

Özgür Nevres

Nevres has rescued numerous street kittens and cats that needed help. He is no stranger when it comes to feeding and caring for community cats.

"There are a lot of cats (and also dogs) in the Bosphorus University. They sometimes come to our office as a guest, and I do whatever I can to make them happy and fed," he wrote.

Özgür Nevres @ozgurnevres

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Related story: Man Saved Scrawny Kitten Who Was Rejected by Her Mom and Brought Her Up into Gorgeous Cat

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