After Five Years of Service, this Kitty Got a Much Deserved Promotion

After Five Years of Service, this Kitty Got a Much Deserved Promotion


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Felix was nine weeks old when she came to Huddersfield Railway Station in West Yorkshire, England to help the humans tackle the rodent problem. Now five years later, with her dedication and hard work, she is no longer just a simple mouse catcher. Felix is now Senior Pest Controller and even has earned her very own visibility jacket and name tag.

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

"She was a few weeks old when she came to the station. Donated by a colleague," Huddersfield Railway Station told Love Meow.

"Her daily duties include begging for food from passengers and colleagues. Patrolling the platforms, occasionally making an appearance in the concourse. And chasing off the odd rodent. She has been known to wander down to dominos pizza when bored."

More info on Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat.

Greeting commuters in the morning.

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

Felix gets paid in treats for her contribution and hard work.

"She has a few stashed around the station. Even the little coffee stall has a small bag stashed at their counter for her."

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

Now with the new responsibility that goes with her title, Felix has already exceeded all expectations by filling in at the ticket counter, helping with paperwork, providing customer service to commuters while diligently keeping mice at bay.

"She still thinks she's in charge of the whole station like always," Huddersfield Railway Station told Love Meow.

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

Ticket barriers were not working one morning, so Felix offered to help out checking tickets.

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

"Always happy to assist with passenger enquiries!"

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

"Calling all commuters!"

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

Keeping a look out for the 0640 to the airport

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

"Attention Platform 1. Your train is late!"

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

Keeping the trains running every day!

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

Felix excels in everything she does and keeps the commuters safe from rodents.

Courtesy of Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat

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