Aurora the Kitty with a Zorro Mask

Aurora the Kitty with a Zorro Mask


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Doesn't she have beautiful markings on her face? It is like a Zorro mask that definitely makes her stand out.

Aurora is one of the kittens rescued by Giane Portal from Brazil. She and five other kittens are from the same feral mother, Narizinho. It took Giane many years, a lot of patience and hard work to finally gain Narizinho's trust.

"For three years I've tried to rescue Narizinho, two times she gave birth and I couldn't rescue the kittens, cause she didn't let me take her. So, this feels like a personal victory to me," said Giane.

"She is so smart, talkative and playful! She follows my boyfriend wherever he goes in the house. She is such an energetic girl, that sometimes she can be a little bully towards her siblings."

"If there is a basket in the house, she is in there. Aurora is definitely a basket lover."

Aurora and her mother Narizinho look almost identical. Sometimes it is hard to tell who is the mother since Aurora has grown up into a beautiful lady herself :).

Photos courtesy of Giane Portal.

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