Bonnie the Cat Decides to Become Mom to Two Little Chicks

Bonnie the Cat Decides to Become Mom to Two Little Chicks


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Meet Bonnie the cat who has become the surrogate mom of two little chicks.

She grooms and snuggles with them. The chicks enjoy the warmth of their feline mama, and nuzzle in her fluffiness before they nap.

"Bonnie has decided to adopt the chicks we got. Warms them up until they fall asleep,"said reddit user Thenash654.

Bonnie with her chirpy babies.

When they aren't snuggling, Bonnie stay by their side, watching over them.

"Can I cuddle with you some more?"

It's time for a bath!

Bonnie the cat snuggles with her chicks, caring for them like her own.

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