Cat Helps Her Human Get Internet Back and Saves Her from Boredom

Cat Helps Her Human Get Internet Back and Saves Her from Boredom


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After days of having no internet, a customer from Sydney, Australia reached out to her broadband service (Telstra) via their Facebook page with some help from her beloved cat.

Kittie Smalls the cat, graciously lent her human, Laura Carrie, a helping paw during the days without the Internet. On a normal night, Laura spends her time working on her small business. But while she was unconnnected, she got to reconnect with her cat.

She posted pictures of her cat to the company's Facebook page:

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hi Telstra! I know people usually complain when their broadband was supposed to be connected 5 days ago, and they have made five futile phone calls to you, but I'd like to see the positive side and thank you for giving me a night off from working on my small business. Usually I'd be slogging away on my computer taking care of my customers but thanks to you I can't do that anymore, so I'm having a night off, Woo!!!

Now I can't watch Netflix (no interwebs remember) so I have to make my own fun. So I thought I'd reconnect with my cat, Kittie Smalls. Seeing as this night wouldn't have been possible without YOU I thought I'd share some moments with you.

This is us playing poker. She's a natural."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Ok guys, it's been real but it's getting late, and Kittie Smalls need her beauty sleep, so it's time to say goodnight. I'm kind of hoping my broadband still isn't connected tomorrow night, and we get to do this all again, but kind of hoping it is."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Day 6 with no interwebs, the natives are getting restless... I've got to go to work now so I have to leave Kittie Smalls to her own devices. She says who needs Netflix when you have some stars from National Geographic on your balcony! She's a bit starstruck. Or hungry."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey Telstra dudes. Day 6 with no interwebs continues. Got busted by Kittie Smalls. She caught me tethering with my Virgin Mobile phone. She is clearly concerned about the amount of data I'm using to make sure my business is still running without me.

We're going to need more wine... and more data, if it'll take another 3-5 business days to finally connect my Telstra Broadband."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Oh the HUMANITY!!!! Don't do it Kittie Smalls, life's not so bad without Telstra Broadband... there are some kitties out there who don't even have clean drinking water you spoilt first world kittie. Just because we haven't had interwebs for 6 days thanks to Telstra isn't a reason to end it all!"

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey team Telstra! Day 7. No interwebs still. What to do, what to do.... Let's party old school style with a rousing game of hide and seek. Kittie Smalls is a master of camouflage!"

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Day 8: Ok so first thing Kittie Smalls and I do, when I get home from work, is dutifully check to see if we have automagically been connected. Nope, not today...your dreams will not be realised today kitten."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey again Telstra gang! So, day 8. No interwebs still. The natives are getting used to this whole unconnected lifestyle. We broke out the Pictionary tonight, yeerrrr. Not sure if you can see the category but it was 'Dream'.

Kittie Smalls drew a computer connected to the interwebs with fish and a picture of herself looking a LOT slimmer than she really is... "

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hi Telstra! Last post of the evening. Yes I know that makes you sad. Just wanted to say another big ol' 'Telstra Thanks' for yet another evening free of that pesky interwebs.

Who needs Telstra Cable Broadband when you can have a BATH WITH YOUR CAT!! *bath alone with your weird cat glaring at you*"

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hi Tel-stars! Here's your nightly update on the 'How to spend your time wisely when one becomes unconnected from the interwebs' saga.

End of Day 10. Still no Telstra Cable Broadband. Kitty Smalls and I continue our awkward phase of reconnecting with each other. We like to call this 'I'm too sexy for this hat selfie'. This is seriously Smalls best Blue Steel pose."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Day 11. Guess what?! No, no, you'll never guess.... Still no broadband! This gives me yet another wonderful opportunity to continue the awkward journey of reconnecting with Kittie Smalls. Telstra Thanks!

We're extra grateful today as we've started doing yoga. So, as well as rekindling our friendship, we're also getting mad limber. This is a pretty good first effort of 'Spinal Twist'."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey Telstra fam! Day 11 drags on...With no broadband to keep Kittie Smalls and me entertained, and Stormageddon raging outside, we decide to do what every good little prepper should. We're checking our battery and duct tape stocks and building our shelter.

And yes, yes that is a hatchet. When my ma's boyfriend decides I really need a bug out bag for Christmas he doesn't do things by halves!"

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Ok, Day 12 with no broadband connection and I have a very exciting update! My case manager Jill and my super techie guy Suman just told me that I will totally be connected in 24 hrs, woo-hoo!

This means Kittie Smalls and I, in our last night of awkward reconnection thanks to sheer boredom, are planning a special party for tomorrow night! We've invited the love of our life, Brent Stephens, over to finally watch our new TV in glorious 4K Netflix. Look how 'excited' she is. Telstra Thanks!"

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey Tellies! Day 13 but who's counting eh.

Kittie Smalls and I realise this is our last day of awkward re-connection, thanks to our boredom due to unexpected lack of Telstra Broadband interwebs, so we're making the most of it.

You promised we'd be connected in 24 hours last night so we've got our HD Netflix party all set to rock at around 7.30pm tonight with a very special friend. Can't wait!

Snacks, check."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Noooooooooo. Noooooooooo. Whyyyyyyyyyyy. Whyyyyyyyyyy. Why Telstra?? Why do you do this to me???

Worst. Netflix. Party. Ever."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey hey T-Sters! Day 14. We may not have our Telstra Broadband yet but we do have... Snapchat!

Kittie Smalls and I continue to spend our broadband-less days trying to come up with ways to bond and make the most of being off The Line.

Tonight we multi-tasked and called Ma while we Snap-catted. Usually I'm too busy working to call my wonderful Ma as much as I should, so, Telstra Thanks!"

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Hey Team-T! So. Wow. Day 15 huh. 15 days and still no cable broadband. I told you I'd have to bring in the big guns right?

dramatic drumroll...

ERMAGHERD - I have TWO cats

Yup, I know, you thought this was all about Kittie Smalls didn't you. Well, I'm very sorry to have to introduce to you, The Flee. So called as, well, she flees a lot.

I didn't want to have to include her in Telstragate. She's not like Smalls. She's shy, scared of loud noises, she just doesn't like being in the limelight. But, you forced my hand Telstra, you forced my hand... Disappointed cat, is, disappointed in you."

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

"Ok Telstarians. Buckle your seatbelts and assume the crash position. We're flying Telstra Air tonight!

Well....technically we're not flying Telstra Air tonight, cos you know, no interwebs. However, we continue to make the most of this no-connection debacle and we've made our own version of Telstra Air. Kittie Smalls and I love our bonding time. The Flee, not so much, that's her fleeing in the background."

After nearly 20 days of going without the Internet, they were finally connected, and the joy they had!

"All good, Kittie Smalls and I are happily working away, all back to normal," Laura told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Laura Carrie

Kittie Smalls saved her human during those tough 15+ days, and The Flee helped too. Share this story with your friends!

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