Cat Misses Grandma who Checked into Rehab Facility. They Sneak Him in to See her

Cat Misses Grandma who Checked into Rehab Facility. They Sneak Him in to See her


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An 89 year old grandmother broke her leg and was checked into a rehab facility. Her cat was sad that she wasn't home, so they brought the kitty in to see her. It was a happy reunion.

"My Grandma is sick in a Rehab center... and my kitty is sick that my grandma is not home. I snuck Morris in to see her," the grandson wrote via reddit. "He is a really docile cat... I put him in a cat carrier and put it in a laundry basket and put some sheets over it.. he did not care. rides in the car like a dog."

"Once the nurse found out what was going on she was cool with it... Even brought Morris some water," he added.

Morris the cat missed his grandma after she checked into a rehab facility. 

They brought him in to see her. It was a happy reunion.

Photos via reddit.

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