Cat Survives Fort McMurray Wildfire by Hiding Inside Stove

Cat Survives Fort McMurray Wildfire by Hiding Inside Stove


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A cat miraculously survived the Fort McMurray wildfire by hiding inside a stove.

Meet Tux the miracle cat!

Tux reunited with 12 year old family member LandonPhoto: Jody Lishchynsky @ Charlee's Angels for the Animals

This family's house was burned to the ground, but somehow their cat made it through.

"Firefighters speculate that there was an explosion that blew out the stove glass and the cat crawled in. Then possibly another explosion or something toppled onto the stove to tip it over, trapping and saving his life at the same time," Charlee Morgan shares the story on Charlee's Angels for the Animals.

They bandaged his paws and treated him on the spot. They also found the family's other cat, Sky, who also survived the ordeal.

Firefighter Alex Jackson from Calgary is holding the kitty, they nicknamed 'Toast'.Photo: Bobby Hull (Ceda Reactor Ltd, Alberta)

They found the Tux's human, Jody Lishchynsky, and reunited the kitties with the family.

Lishchynsky shares the frightening details of evacuating via Charlee's Angels for the Animals: "The fire swept over the hill at the back of our house and was in our back yard within minutes. We ran with just what was in our arms. Our dog followed but our kittens didn't. All of our family photos were in totes ready to take with one of our kittens (Sedo) - Tux's brother laying beside them. When I got to my truck at the front of our house my son and dog were already in it. And the fire was already at the front of the house and coming towards the truck. I could not go back in to save our cats or any of our family sentiments."

Photo: Patrick Bell

"We lost everything. We saw our home engulfed in flames as we sped away. My roommate Stacy (who owns one of the two cats still missing) was parked in the back of our home and had to drive through flames on both sides of the road to escape. My brother who lived next door to me drove towards the fire to pull a neighbour out of his home that already had fire coming in the windows. We are lucky we made it out."

This is Tux being cared for at an evacuation location for pets before being reunited with family.Photo: Charlee's Angels for the Animals

"I would like to meet the men who named our kittens 'Toast' and 'Singe'. Luckily my brother who we fled with had a cabin down by Boyle and we are staying here. We got a land line hooked up this week and a washer/ dryer brought to us by our older brother."

Tux now snuggling with his human brother, Landon. Good to be with the family again.

Photo: Jody Lishchynsky @ Charlee's Angels for the Animals

You can help support the Fort McMurray SPCA's efforts to rescue and reunite pets with their owners by visiting their site here. You can also donate to Canadian Red Cross.

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