Cat with Chubby Cheeks Lets Out Loudest Purr When He Feels Loved After 9 Years...

Cat with Chubby Cheeks Lets Out Loudest Purr When He Feels Loved After 9 Years...


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A 9-year-old rescue cat let out the loudest purr they'd ever heard when he felt loved, getting chin scratches at the shelter.

Meet Gandalf the cat!

Young Williams Animal Center

Gandalf was almost a decade old when he came to Young Williams Animal Center, a rescue group in Knoxville, Tennessee. The sweet boy was taken from a home in May of 2017 due to possible animal cruelty.

"His cheeks were swollen due to infected teeth which we removed for him," Courtney Kliman of Young Williams Animal Center shared with Love Meow.

For the first time in a long while, Gandalf was pain free and the sweet kitty bursted out in a purr-fest as volunteers showered him with love.

Young Williams Animal Center

They don't know exactly how life was like for Gandalf all these years, but his face, ears and health give away signs of having lived a rough life.

When they treated Gandalf for his ailments, he rubbed his face against the kind folks that helped him, and purred up a storm.

Young Williams Animal Center

"He was a staff favorite, thoughtful, kind, loving, fun and super snuggly," Courtney added.

Edna Mendoza took the sweet feline home to foster, and before she knew it, Gandalf sneaked his way into her heart and made her his forever human.

Young Williams Animal Center

The sweet snugglebug has found his loving home where he is, and he's the happiest he's ever been.

Hear Gandalf's purr in this adorable video:

After nine years, Gandalf finally found the family that he'd been waiting for.

The sweet boy with chubby cheeks is now purring aloud with his human by his side, happy and loved!

Young Williams Animal Center

Share this story with your friends. Adopt an older cat! If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Young Williams Animal Center on Facebook.

Related story: 23-year-old Cat Given Up to Shelter Is So Thankful to Be Loved Again

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