Chi’s Sweet Home (Anime)

Chi’s Sweet Home (Anime)


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I am not the biggest anime fan, but I have to tip my hat to the anime artist who created the story of Chi's Sweet Home. I am so smitten by the little kitten depicted in the story. The author really captures every single tidbit of a kitten's characteristics and puts together a humble story that is so simple yet charming and captivating.

The story is about a grey & white mackerel tabby who wandered off from her mother and her litter mates while getting sidetracked by a flying bird. She could not find her way back to her mother, feeling really sad and hopeless until a little bumped into her and eventually took her home. The boy's family lived in an apartment that did not allow pets, but they had a difficult time finding an adopter. Eventually the father decided to home the kitten and hide her from the landlord.

The kitten, named Chi, has many first encounters with things in the household. Each story is relaxing, humorous and enjoyable. It makes you smile and is the best thing to watch after a long, stressful day. Each episode is a mini 3 minute show, but it is filled with love and wonderfulness. You should definitely check it out if you love cats. Kudos to the anime creator of Chi's Sweet Home.

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