Coco's Journey from Sick and Scrawny to Healthy and Happy

Coco's Journey from Sick and Scrawny to Healthy and Happy


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A tiny sick kitten couldn't find foster care that she desperately needed. "The shelter contacted us about this sick tiny kitten at the shelter who had a foster fall through," said Good Karma Pet Rescue on Facebook. They picked her up immediately. She was all skin and bones, but you could see from her eyes that Coco was thankful to be given a second chance.

Coco had to battle with illness and she was anemic. Volunteers made sure she got plenty of food and warmth. They prepared a space heater to keep her warm. She absolutely loved it and spent a lot of time in front of it.

Coco was purring and doing happy paws while the volunteer helped clean her up. She was so happy to finally have someone there to look after her.

While Coco was recovering, she bonded with Maggie the dog. The two became inseparable. It started to help Coco speed up the healing process.

She has put on some weight and is no longer scrawny. Today Coco feels healthier than ever. What she needs next is a place to call her forever loving home.

When Coco was picked up, she was all skin and bones.

While recovering from sickness, Coco bonded with Maggie the dog. Their friendship helped speed up her healing.

With a lot of love and care from the volunteers, Coco is no longer scrawny and is healthier than ever.

Photos courtesy of Good Karma Pet Rescue of South Florida (updates on Coco on their Facebook page)

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