Five tiny orphan kittens found themselves trapped in an exhaust duct at a restaurant. They were desperately crying for help...
"Owners of a restaurant told us that they heard kittens in an exhaust pipe who had been crying since the last 2 days. Their mom hadn't come back for them. 2 kittens were hypothermic and in critical condition," Animal Aid Unlimited shares the story.
After the rescuers arrived, they located the kittens and cut open the pipe with help from the restaurant owners. They safely retrieved five tiny dirty kittens where one of them was completely covered in grease.
[Scroll down for video] More info: Animal Aid Unlimited | Facebook | twitter
Poor kitty covered in grease... this little buddy is a fighter!
More fur babies saved!
Rescuers gently cleaned out the gunk in their eyes and gave each kitten the medical attention they needed.
Feeding the babies around the clock!
Already they have turned into rambunctious lap cats!
Look at these playful kittens now!
Watch this amazing rescue story in this video:
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