Cat Comes to School Every Day So He Can Rescue Students with Cuddles.. (with Updates)

Cat Comes to School Every Day So He Can Rescue Students with Cuddles.. (with Updates)


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This ginger cat knows almost every student at the University of Augsburg in Bavaria, southern Germany. Ever since he offered a student a cuddle, he has been coming back and providing more cuddles and love every single day.

Meet the Campus Cat!

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

This ginger feline first came to the campus when he was about a year old. Now many years have gone by, he's still seen on campus almost every day.

Students adore him and absolutely love it when the ginger cat hops in their lap or gives them some snuggles.

He helps the students relieve stress at exam times and hangs out with them if they need somebody to talk to.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

This laid back, mellow cat loves to laze around in the sun and mind his own business. But his favorite place to frequent is the library. Students come to him when they need help with their studies or look for some moral support.

"It became almost a routine and took away the stress from everyone a bit," a student said.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

The Campus Cat has a home close by and is well loved and cared for. The owner has been known by the school for many years.

He just loves to be around students and it makes him happy to nap in their lap and cuddle with them. Nothing can keep him away from being with the students.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

His real name has been a mystery, but some people have lovingly named him "Sammy."

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

Sammy offers a student some 'help' with her homework.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

Students come to him when they need a counseling session from their most trusted friend.

The Campus Cat provides the students comfort when they are sad over a failed exam, a breakup or anything that stresses them out.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

Keeping a student's coat warm while she's away.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

The cat has become a permanent fixture at the University.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

Students consider him the campus Super-cat as he comes to their rescue every single day!

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

Campus Cat gives a student some love.


Campus cat continues his mission to provide comfort and love to the students.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

"The cat was born in an Italian village (date unknown, sometime prior to 2007). Somehow the current owner (an older lady living in the university quarter) managed to get the kitten (how exactly is unknown)," Andreas told Love Meow.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

"The first appearance on the campus was in 2007 (according to stories and myths)."

Campus cat offers students cuddles to help them alleviate stress from school.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

Students adore him. It makes a world of difference to have the ginger cat there bringing joy into their lives.

Photo: CampusCat Augsburg

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Here's another cat, Bubba, who loves school so much that he's got his very own student body card.

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