man and cat 21 years together

21 Years of Friendship with Cat, Growing Old Together


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This kitty and his human have been best friends for 21 years.

"He's had quite the life."

man and cat 21 years togetherCourtesy of searingsky

Meet Mowgli the cat!

"He was a couple months old when we got him. I was still in kindergarten back then (25 now) and we don't actually know his birthday since he was a farm kitten," reddit user searingsky told love meow.

At the age of 21, Mowgli has a perpetual babyface. He's very healthy and likes to get really loud if he isn't the center of attention.

Courtesy of searingsky

Mowgli and his human share a very special bond.

"We have this ritual where whenever I lie down on a couch he will instantly plop down on my belly and cuddle or take a nap," searingsky told Love Meow.

man and cat 21 years togetherCourtesy of searingsky

When it comes to the secret to a long, healthy life, Mowgli's human attributes it to love.

"He gets smothered with love. Also, we have a great vet, though he never needed any serious medical attention."

man and cat 21 years togetherCourtesy of searingsky

Spending some lap time with his best friend in the world.

Courtesy of searingsky

He's the happiest kitty whenever his human is around.

Courtesy of searingsky

This is Mowgli's favorite spot for naps.

He adores his human just as much as his human does him.

Courtesy of searingsky

Mowgli and his gorgeous eyes. At 21, he looks amazing!

Courtesy of searingsky

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