How Pokémon Go Helped Save Tiny Ginger Kitten Stuck Behind Electric Box

How Pokémon Go Helped Save Tiny Ginger Kitten Stuck Behind Electric Box


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A kitten with a pair of large ears found himself stuck behind a utility box. It took a village to save him and months to earn his trust, but the results were worth all the efforts.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

"I started playing Pokémon Go (last summer) and decided to go for a stroll in my hometown," reddit user zerofatorial shares the story with Love Meow.

It was about 43º C (109º F) outside when zerofatorial was alerted by what it seemed to be a bird sound. They walked up to an electric utility box where the sound came from and found a ginger kitten crying from behind the box. The poor kitten was wedged and couldn't move at all. "He must have been there for a long time, since he barely had energy to cry."

They immediately called firefighters to help. After trying to use oil to free the kitten to no avail, they decided to get some tools to help tilt the box.

"Despite their many efforts, the firemen could not tilt it." They started to lose hope, but the little kitten wasn't giving up. A firefighter gave the ginger boy some water, and he drank it right away. They knew they had to keep trying.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

A man from the electric company traveled 30 minutes from another city to offer some help. With his key, they were able to open the box.

After a few more attempts, they finally figured out a way to move the box further away from the wall and free the kitten.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

The little kitten was exhausted but still tried to escape. A firefighter managed to grab him and got him some water.

After three hours and a collective effort from many people, the kitten was finally safe.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

The kind person, who found the kitten, took him home that night. They named him Spock because of his big ears.

However, the little feline wanted nothing to do with the humans.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

But somehow he grew to love the family pets (two cats and a dog).

"We were so surprised he didn't hiss at my dog and just acted 'normally' around him."

Courtesy: zerofatorial

The kitten got a much-needed bath.

After that, the mother of the family plucked out all the fleas from the kitten, one by one.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

She fed him around the clock and nursed him back the health.

Slowly the kitten began to trust and even let them pick him up.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

Four months later, Spock has transformed into a beautiful ginger cat.

"He's huge! Look at his tail. The vet said he was about 6 months old and would keep growing."

Courtesy: zerofatorial

"He doesn't hiss at us anymore and he plays A LOT with the other animals."

For the very first time, he let his human pet him on the head and enjoyed it.

Courtesy: zerofatorial

Share this story with your friends. Also seen on imgur/joelalmeidaptg

Related story: Two Ginger Brothers Found in Garden Always Have Each Other

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