"How to Care for Your Humans" - Advice for Cats

"How to Care for Your Humans" - Advice for Cats


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This is a post written for cats. There are many advantages that go in adopting a human or multiple humans. Though it may seem to be a lot of responsibility to have your human pets, it is a gratifying experience once you have grasped a few techniques that will make your humans a better pet. With a few pointers, you will find a lot of joy in sharing your time and room with your human buddy in no time.

Below is an excellent article that states many different skill-sets that cats need to hone and train their humans into better companions.

How to Care for Your Humans - Useful Advice for Cats

If you adopt a human, you must get used to spending time at home. Your human does not deal well with being left alone - they will get into all sorts of mischief. For example, if you are gone just two or three days you run the risk of seeing posters put up all over the neighborhood.

Your human will put out an APB on you! Often it will include an embarrassing text that reveals all sorts of personal details - and usually accompanied by an unflattering photo of you - with morning fur and crumpled whiskers. Exactly the kind of thing that attracts ridicule from all the neighbor cats. - How to Care for Your Humans


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