stray kitten shows up to guards then now

Kitten Came to a Man After Spending a Month Living on the Streets


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A tiny kitten with broken tail came to a man after spending the first month of her life living on the streets...

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

"Marjorie started showing up one day at the guard house at the Canadian High Commission. She was by herself, and the guards fed her scraps of food for a few days before they brought her to a colleague of my friend's who has taken it upon herself to find homes for stray cats (there are tons of them in Nairobi)," Jason K., a Canadian graduate student staying in Nairobi, told Love Meow.

"She brought Marjorie into the office and asked around if anyone would be willing to foster her until she could find her a permanent home. My friend knew I liked cats, so he asked me if I wanted to look after her, which, of course, I did."

Marjorie was about 4-5 weeks old at the time with a crooked tail. She was dirty and had an upper respiratory infection. "She's completely healthy now, but still has that crooked little tail as a reminder of her rough start on the street."

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

"I always had pet cats growing up, but never had one as an adult until Marjorie came along. I forgot how much fun it is to have a cat around. She's a wonderful animal, very playful like all kittens, but very affectionate as well. When I first got her I took a box and put some old sweaters inside so she would have her own bed. She used it for about one night and then started sitting on the floor near my bed and meowing until I picked her up and put her in the bed with me. She started sleeping right next to my pillow, which she's done every night since. Even when she wants to nap during the day, she usually wants to do it in my lap," Jason told Love Meow.

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

"After a week I had become pretty attached to her, so I asked my friend's colleague if I could just keep her myself."

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

Every time her human is on the computer.. :)

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

She's about 3.5 months old now, healthy and happy!

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

"After spending the first month of her life living on the streets of Nairobi she came to me with a broken tail. I was only supposed to foster her for a week, but 2.5 months later her and that crooked little tail are still here."

stray kitten shows up to guards then nowCourtesy of Jason King

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