Kitten Crawls Out from Under Porch Meowing for Love

Kitten Crawls Out from Under Porch Meowing for Love


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A tiny kitten with infected eyes crawled out from under the porch and walked up to the owner of the property, meowing for help.

Meet little Waldo.

Photo: Gwensaur

"He literally just crawled out from under my porch," reddit user Gwensaur said. "I live in the country and people dump their animals and kittens out here."

The little kitten was found by himself without a mother and other kittens in sight. He clearly needed help.

So the kind person scooped him up and took him to the vet to get his eyes cleaned and treated and health checked out.

Photo: Gwensaur

After a trip to the vet, his eyes already looked much better. "They're so much better, even today. All he needed was a little bit of antibiotics and a thorough cleaning. They were a lot worse when I first found him."

They have a Greyhound named Gwen, and the two buddies have already become friends. "Kitty is loving playing with Gwen. It's going really well."

"Waldo now has found his furrever home."

Photo: Gwensaur

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