Kitten Found Near Dumpster is So Happy to Be Saved, She Can't Stop Cuddling Her Rescuers

Kitten Found Near Dumpster is So Happy to Be Saved, She Can't Stop Cuddling Her Rescuers


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A week ago, a tiny kitten was found next to an empty bowl near a dumpster when an animal rescuer who cares for the island cats, heard her tiny meow.

Joan Bowell

Joan Bowell of God's Little People Cat Rescue, a cat rescue and sanctuary on the Greek island of Syros, went to check on the stray cats that live around the area, and to take some photos. That morning, she was sidetracked by a tiny meow from the bushes.

As she got out of her car, she instantly heard the little cry. "The kitten appeared to be all alone — maybe discarded because she wasn't perfect," Joan shared with Love Meow. "She's got a skin rash/sore on one of her back legs."

Richard, Joan's husband, picked up the kitten and put her in his arms for some much-needed cuddles before they headed back to the sanctuary.

She was named Blue Belle for she has the bluest eyes.

Joan Bowell

That day, the kitten left the lonely, wandering life behind. "I'm just so pleased I happened to pass by at that exact moment," Joan added.

The little feline was a bit shy and understandably scared after the ordeal but was so happy to huddle up in the makeshift nest that Joan created for her.

Joan Bowell

After a trip to the vet, her leg wound was cleaned and she received treatment for worms and fleas. They put her on a nutritionally packed diet to help her recover and grow.

Snuggling with her rescuer, feeling happy and loved!

Joan Bowell

Blue Belle isn't a big eater. To ensure that she gets enough food, Joan feeds her many tiny meals throughout the day to try to encourage her appetite.

"The good news is that she's using the litter tray and has done perfect both 'this and that'," Joan said.

Joan Bowell

In just a few days, the little kitten came out of her shell and started to show affection and quirkiness. She began to crave attention and cuddle time with her humans.

"She really is enchanting and so teeny tiny!"

Joan Bowell

Learning how to groom!

Joan Bowell

Blue Belle is getting more playful every day as she heals and becomes stronger.

She enjoys playing with her foster dad while cuddling or sitting in his lap.

Joan Bowell

Getting some belly kisses.

Joan Bowell

She found a scratching post and figured it out all on her own.

The little pocket-sized kitten is getting more mischievous and playful as her life now is filled with love and excitement.

Joan Bowell

Once she discovered a lap, she was hooked.

Nothing makes her happier than cuddling with her foster parents.

Joan Bowell

Little Blue Belle was just three weeks old when she was found near the dumpster.

A week later, she's learned to trust and love and is excited for the new adventures that are to come.

Joan Bowell

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Related story: Man Lets Dumpster Kitty Sleep In His Car and Has Been Caring For Her for 6 Years

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