Kitten Found in Pouring Rain Gets to Stay with Her Rescuer Forever

Kitten Found in Pouring Rain Gets to Stay with Her Rescuer Forever


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She was found in the pouring rain crawling next to the road. A kind person in Shanghai picked her up from the street, hoping to find her a loving home, but what she didn't expect was that the kitty would soon become an important part of her life.

"I quickly slapped together this page a day after picking up the kitten; I panicked (never having looked after a cat before!) and hoped to find a new owner as quickly as possible. By the end of the first week or so I had a potential couple lined up, but I also had cat food, a litter tray and flea spray! Eight months or so later and she's still with me," said kitty's human.

The kitty was soaking wet and shaking when she was found...

Her rescuer dried her up and she felt much better.

She stole the heart of the person who saved her...

And she is not going anywhere.

 All grown up now.

Photos and story by Utopia via reddit.

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