Kitten Clings to Her Rescuer After He Saved Her from the Woods

Kitten Clings to Her Rescuer After He Saved Her from the Woods


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A kind-hearted man found a 4-week-old kitten in the woods by herself. When he brought her home and fed her some food, she clung to him and wouldn't let go.

Meet Georgia the kitten!

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

"I live on 6 wooded acres in rural South Jersey bordered by farmland on all but one side. I was walking out to my mailbox when I spotted the kitten," Chris Tumminia told Love Meow.

It was about 100 yards from the road where Chris found the kitten. He wasn't sure how she wandered into the woods by herself.

"My wife (Kari) and I looked around for quite some time trying to find a nest but there are too many places to hide. I have yet to see a mommy cat either. We're not sure whether she was orphaned or dropped by a bird of prey... I have no idea."

They feared the kitten wouldn't survive on her own, so they brought her in, cleaned her up and fed her some cat food. "She ate it right up!"

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

"Once we got her inside, we picked some ticks off of her, and have to address some fleas she had.

"We had to scrape out a hundred fleas from the little girl," Chris told Love Meow.

As they combed out the fleas, the kitten didn't mind at all. She was purring and happy to be taken care of.

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

After filling her belly, the kitten demanded to be held.

"She's very vocal and squeaks like crazy if we put her down. I finally put a heating blanket under her bedding set on low and now she's quiet," Chris told Love Meow.

Georgia loves her heating pad but there's something else she loves even more.

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

Georgia goes back to her human dad and nuzzles into his arms for a nap and some much-needed TLC.

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

They have prepared a warm bed for her, but little Georgia wouldn't let go of her humans.

The tiny kitty curls up into a fur ball and nestles into Chris' arms as she conks out.

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

"We have two friends who rescue kittens, one works for our local shelter, so we had good resources to go to for help," Chris told Love Meow.

Georgia cries and gives them this look whenever they put her down. Needless to say, she quickly returns to her human's lap.

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

They have two 4-year-old cats they rescued as kittens. Once Georgia is ready, she will meet her new brothers from another mother.

Little Georgia clings to her humans and is loving her forever home.

Courtesy: Chris Tumminia

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Related story: Kitten from the Woods Walks Up to Man and Decides He Will Be Her Human

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