Man Went into Woods but Came Out with a Cat He Rescued

Man Went into Woods but Came Out with a Cat He Rescued


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A man went into the woods in Warren county, Ohio but came out with an abandoned cat who was so excited to see him.

When Dave was walking in the woods, he heard meowing from the weeds. As he looked over, he saw a friendly cat walk up to him and start following him around.

"I found this abandoned young female cat in the woods in Warren county. It had tried to slip its collar and was bound tightly in it. Collar was wearing into the cat's skin, you can see the hair and scab material on it," Dave said.

He immediately took the collar off and removed three ticks that were bigger than a pea.

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Dave took the kitty to his family and gave her food and water. "She ate for 20 minutes," he added.

"Some kind neighbors adopted her and got her fixed."

Kitty is happy to be saved!

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Related story: Man Visits Cats Wherever He Travels and Rescues Those Who Need a Home

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