Kitten Too Scared to Leave Her Box at Shelter, Then a Month After Adoption..

Kitten Too Scared to Leave Her Box at Shelter, Then a Month After Adoption..


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A tiny ginger kitten was hiding in her box at the shelter, so scared that she would flinch away from anyone. A young woman took her out of the shelter, and in just a month, everything changed!

Meet Shiloh!


"She looked so sad and scared... I couldn't say no," reddit user yokj6 said. The kitten was absolutely terrified, but that didn't stop yokj6 from adopting her. She knew that the kitten wanted to love but just needed someone to help her.

When Shiloh arrived in her new home, she immediately took refuge under the bed and stayed there for the first month. "She would run at any noise. She flinches away from lovins, and her tail has been broken, but she's a survivor"

"This was taken right before she ran back behind the TV so I could not pet her."


yokj6 knew very little about Shiloh's history, but the kitty had a lot of trust issues with humans. No matter how difficult it was, she was determined to help the kitty learn to love and trust again.

At first yokj6 tried to pet the kitty to show her love, but it wasn't working. Shiloh would run and hide every time her human tried to get close.


So she decided to give the kitty some time to calm down and settle into her home, and let her do things on her own terms, hoping that she would come around somehow. Slowly but surely, the little ginger girl began to change.

"One day she jumped into my lap and cuddled. I was so happy that I may have cried a little," she said.


Then this happened...

Shiloh bonded with another resident cat who is also a rescue. She came out of her shell and started to blossom.


Just a month after she moved into her forever home, she made a complete 180.

Shiloh now loves to follow her mom around the house.


"Shiloh was absolutely terrified of everything and mostly hid under the bed and behind the tv when I first got her.

"Now she loves head butting me."


The little kitty has come a long way.

Shiloh is no longer the same cat that was found hiding in her box. Now she can't get enough of attention and cuddles.


With a lot of patience, love and a comfortable home, Shiloh has found love and learned to trust again.

Now her favorite thing is to snuggle with her human mom and drift off to sleep in her arms.


Share this story and help a kitty in your local shelter find their forever loving homes. (More info: reddit)

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