Kitten Was Rejected by the World for Being "Too Ugly" Until Someone Saw His Beauty

Kitten Was Rejected by the World for Being "Too Ugly" Until Someone Saw His Beauty


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A ginger kitten couldn't find a home because he was said to be "too ugly" to get adopted until the ginger boy was found by the people who saw the true beauty of this precious little kitten.

Meet Romeo the cat.

Facebook/Santuario Compasión Animal

Little Romeo was born with a deformity which caused him to look a bit different, but the ginger boy is just as playful and affectionate as any other cat.

The rescue kitten had the hardest time finding his forever loving home. He was rejected by many potential adopters that came across him. He was passed up because of his looks. After a long time waiting, little Romeo seemed to be used to the idea of never finding a place to call his own.

Then one day, the kind folks at Santuario Compasión Animal (an animal sanctuary in Spain) learned about this special little guy and knew just the perfect home for him.

Facebook/Santuario Compasión Animal

"While we were headed to a rescue we dealt with the case of this kitten whose appearance was different from the other cats and that's why the whole world rejected him," Santuario Compasión Animal said.

"They told us that no one wanted him because he was ugly. But for us Romeo is not ugly, he's a lovely little kitten who likes to play like the rest of the cats. And their differences make them special."

Facebook/Santuario Compasión Animal

They took him into their beautiful sanctuary with open arms. Romeo is loving every bit of his new life.

Despite what he looks like, little Romeo is wonderful and beautiful inside out. He loves attention and cuddles, and is grateful to have a comfortable home, good food, and humans that love him for just the way he is.

Facebook/Santuario Compasión Animal

Little Romeo is finally home!

Watch this video:

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Related story: Kitty, Who was Born with a Special Paw, Fights His Way to a Loving Home

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