Special Needs Kitty with Sad Face Purrs Like Diesel Truck When Taken Out of Shelter.. (with Updates)

Special Needs Kitty with Sad Face Purrs Like Diesel Truck When Taken Out of Shelter.. (with Updates)


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This special needs kitty with a sad-looking face and twisted arms was purring up a storm when she was taken out of the shelter and into a place she calls home.

Meet Emmy Lou Sugarbean aka Truckasaurus!

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

She was born with radial hypoplasia which means the radius bone in her arms is short or missing, thus the bent arms. At around two years old, Emmy Lou found herself in the shelter after she was surrendered, but the little gal didn't belong there.

"The shelter staff really cared about her and wanted to find a better place for her and reached out to me on Facebook," Karyn Poplin of Kitty Adventure Rescue League and Sanctuary told Love Meow.

After weeks of waiting and hoping, that day finally came. Emmy Lou was taken out of the shelter and straight into the loving arms of her new humans.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

"Her eyelids are also a tad malformed as they don't open all the way - so she always looks sad. Don't be fooled though, she purrs like a diesel truck!"

On her way to her new home, her thunderous purrs reverberated throughout the trip. She was happy, and she wanted everyone to know.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

Karyn and her husband bought soft rugs and carpet for floors and stairs to make it more comfortable for little Emmy Lou to scoot around.

"It helps her so much with traction and mobility - while she hops like a bunny a lot, everyone needs a little help getting on the bed for snuggle time."

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

There's no limit to what she can do. She climbs windows and cat trees and chases anything that moves.

"She's a tiny bit slower but she doesn't know she's different," Karyn told Love Meow.

"I caught the red dot, mom!"Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

"She hobbles on her elbows to get around, but she's really good at jumping so her favorite thing is leaping into the top of a full laundry basket and claiming it as her own."

The playful little gal doesn't let anything slow her down.

Her eyes are quite special too. Emmy Lou has heterochromia - one of her eyes is blue and the other green.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

"She also really loves climbing up and down the pet stairs all day knocking off other cats in an attempt to get them to play," Karyn told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

This wonderfully special kitty is now living the life she always wanted. She may look a bit different, but she would tell you she's purrfect, just differently abled.

Little Truckasaurus has been with her humans and feline housemates for a few weeks now. She's filled the house with her loud purrs and an endless supply of cute.

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary


Emmy Lou Sugarbean is loving her heated blanket, and she couldn't be happier!

Courtesy: Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary

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