Woman Takes a Chance on Sad Stray Kitten, What a Difference a Few Days Make..

Woman Takes a Chance on Sad Stray Kitten, What a Difference a Few Days Make..


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A tiny kitten came to an animal hospital with the saddest looking face. A kind woman took a chance on her and brought joy back into her life.

Photo: CaroLion4

"I work the front desk at an animal hospital in St Petersburg, FL. One day a young woman came in with a tiny few-week-old kitten," imgur user CaroLion4 said.

"She was willing to find [her] a home but was going out of town and needed someone to board or keep her for the weekend."

The hospital couldn't keep a stray kitten with no vaccinations. "I grabbed her, put her on my shoulder, and agreed to take her... We nicknamed her Squeaks because her meow sounded like a creaking door."

First day home, the kitten looked really tired and hungry. They planned to care for her for the weekend, but soon that was about to change.

Photo: CaroLion4

The kitten came with infections in her eyes, but the vet techs at the animal hospital got her liquid antibiotics and an ointment, so CaroLion4 could treat her at home. It was an around-the-clock effort, but so worth it.

"Her favorite place is on your shoulder. Every time you pick her up, she climbs right up and stays," she said.

Photo: CaroLion4

The little fur buddy quickly crept her way into their hearts.

"At this point I had stopped asking Tom (boyfriend) if we could keep her and just started acting like we were. I could tell he was falling in love with her, too."

They named the kitten Sara as she officially became part of their family.

Photo: CaroLion4

As Sara became healthier, stronger and bigger, the sad face faded away.

Gone are those sad eyes, as her eyes turned into a light green "with kindness and love in them."

Photo: CaroLion4

Their resident cat Marbles adopted the kitten as her own. "When she was 9 months old and a stray, she had a litter that didn't survive due to cold weather and fleas."

Now Marbles has Sara. They share the cat tower together every night.

Photo: CaroLion4

She's cool as a cucumber.

Photo: CaroLion4

With a loving home and plenty of cuddles, Sara is no longer that sad little stray.

Look at her now!

Photo: CaroLion4

What a difference love can make. Share this story with your friends. More info: imgur.

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