Orphaned Kittens Rescued from the Streets, Need a Mom - a Husky Decides to Help

Orphaned Kittens Rescued from the Streets, Need a Mom - a Husky Decides to Help


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Three orphaned kittens were brought to the shelter, in need of motherly love. A Husky dog decided to help.

Mini Cat Town

A litter of motherless kittens were found outside by a Good Samaritan late at night. They were rushed to a 24-hour emergency vet, where they were brought back from the brink, kept warm and fed.

The next day, they were transported to a local animal shelter, waiting for rescue. Staff reached out to Mini Cat Town, a rescue group in San Jose, California, and asked if they could help the kittens. Thi, Thoa, and Tram Bui, three sisters that run the rescue, went to pick them up and placed them in foster care to ensure their survival.

The three feline siblings were named Samwell, Khaleesi, and Jorah. They were given warm beds, good food, plenty of cuddles and love by their foster family, but they really missed having a mom.


A week later, the kittens were brought back to the rescue for the weekend, where they met Lilo the Husky dog. "Lilo is always so excited when we bring new babies home. She sees the carrier and just spins in circles until we put it down," Thoa told Love Meow.

She sniffed the tiny bundles of fur, lay down next to them and started mothering them. While the kitties were taking a nap, she stayed by their side, watching over them.

Mini Cat Town

When it was feeding time, Lilo patiently waited until she was given the OK to wash their faces. "She helped us clean them and loved keeping them company," Thoa added.

The kittens perked up when Lilo groomed them like a mother. She guarded them while they were asleep. Once the kittens were up for another meal, she was right there waiting to offer a helping paw.

Mini Cat Town

"We have 17 kittens in foster care so far this kitten season and are still taking in more. Lilo loves them all," Thoa told Love Meow.

The sweet Husky is caring for another tinier litter of orphaned babies with the same love and dedication. She watches them closely and encourages them with licks when she hears them cry.

Lilo helping another orphaned kittenMini Cat Town

They discovered Lilo's love for kittens when she became a surrogate mom to a tiny orphaned kitty named Rosie and nursed her back to health.

Watch Samwell, Khaleesi, and Jorah's journey in this video:

3 little kittens thriving in foster careyoutu.be

The little trio is growing by leaps and bounds. They are about three weeks old and starting to learn to walk and explore.

With help from their canine friend, the kittens are thriving in foster care.


The sweet feline sisters fell asleep on their comfy blanket as they were kneading away.


Share this story with your friends. Follow the 3 kitties on Instagram @fosterkittyfamily. Follow Mini Cat Town and Lilo's foster babies on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Who Can't Walk, Finds Special Foster Mom to Help Turn His Life Around

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