Scared Kittens Rescued from Wood Pile Discover Love with Help from Baby Food

Scared Kittens Rescued from Wood Pile Discover Love with Help from Baby Food


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Two weeks ago, four little kittens' lives were changed forever when they were pulled out from underneath a pile of wood.

They were scared and terrified of humans, but their rescuers were determined to help them trust.

Flatbush Cats

Will from Flatbush Cats, TNR-focused cat rescue in Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York, was contacted about a litter of feral kittens living on a residential street.

He and a volunteer, David, sprang into action and arrived with traps and heavy duty gloves. The kittens were hiding underneath piles of wooden planks, and Will had to reach in to retrieve them, one by one, and place them into a trap.

"I scruffed them by the loose fur on the back of their neck. This is your only technique for nabbing scared and hissy kittens who aren't trappable through a regular feeding schedule. We had a plan and moved quickly," Will shared with Love Meow.

Flatbush Cats

"This rescue was only possible because we had a new foster lined up, on call, and down for whatever - so we were able to move quickly and get these guys set up in their own VIP suite within 24 hours," Will said.

The kittens were very dirty. Bath time was not an easy task as they were terrified of humans.

Flatbush Cats

The kittens were huddled up in a corner and would hiss and swat if anyone would come near.

But nothing some delicious treats and plenty of love couldn't fix.

Flatbush Cats

They used baby food to help tame the kittens. (Scroll down for video)

Will took a spoonful of baby food and slowly brought it close to the hissy kittens. Once they smelled the food, things began to change.

Flatbush Cats

"The moment when a scared kitten takes its first few licks of any food is very special. You can hear a fragile new life taking shape. They don't know what lies ahead, but you do," Will added.

This very timid tabby couldn't resist the offer. He stopped hissing and started eating.

Flatbush Cats

Once the kittens were receptive to being spoon fed, they wrapped them up with a towel and began their many cuddle sessions while continuing to feed them their favorite treat.

Flatbush Cats

"Right now we're focused on getting them healthy and learning to trust people. They are progressing well," Will told Love Meow.

The kitten was scared but the food was too good to pass up.

Flatbush Cats

Flatbush Cats is on a mission to find their feral cat mother.

"We will also be trapping the mom for spay and vaccination. No rescue is complete without fixing the mom," Will said.

Flatbush Cats

"All four kittens are now comfortable eating around their foster caretaker, Alison, and have even started playing with some toys."

This little kitten has learned to enjoy pets and head scritches. What a difference love can make!

Flatbush Cats

In a few weeks, the kittens will be ready for adoption in pairs. Follow their updates on Facebook and Instagram.

Watch their story in this cute video:

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Related story: Officer Calms Frightened Kitten With "Kitty Voice" After Rescuing the Kitten From Traffic

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