Konatsu the Lovely Cat

Konatsu the Lovely Cat


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Konatsu is a three year old kitty from Japan. She was found along with another kitten in Biwanoki's friend's house back in June 2007.

"A feral cat gave birth to two kittens in my friend's mother's home. One of the sisters is Konatsu," said Biwanoki.

Biwanoki decided to adopt the little one. So a month after she was rescued, he hit the road to Konatsu's foster home. "I drove over 240km (almost 150mi) to pick her up."

Konatsu is a very gentle and loving cat, though always careful and cautious about her surroundings. She has two large marble like eyes, but when her eyes are closed, she looks like she's always smiling :).

Konatsu is the star in her family. She gets attention from everyone and in return, she gives everyone a lot of love and affection. "We simply love and adore her," said Konatsu's daddy.

Photos courtesy of Biwanoki.

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