Love and Friendship Between Cats and Dogs

Love and Friendship Between Cats and Dogs


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Who said cats and dogs can't be friends? We know stories about a cat mother adopted an orphan Chihuahua, a Greyhound dog saved a kitten from the relentless cold and a puppy retrieved his beloved feline best friend from the grave because he simply could not let him go. The videos below show how beautiful friendships can be between a kitty and a pup.

"This is our kitten Pumpkin at about 7 weeks old, snuggling up to our 3-year-old Golden Retriever, Sunny. Pumpkin is pretty much nursing from Sunny's lip, and Sunny seems to be oblivious to the whole thing."

This tabby and German Shepherd are so sweet to each other as if they are 2 peas in a pod.

Image via Flickr: Etolane

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