Man Can't Have a Cat So He Takes Photo With Every Kitty He Meets and Gives Them Cuddles

Man Can't Have a Cat So He Takes Photo With Every Kitty He Meets and Gives Them Cuddles


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This man adores cats but hasn't got a chance to bring home a kitty due to his current living conditions, but his admiration for the feline never diminished.

He started a mission to take a picture with every cat he meets as a memento to express his love for these beautiful creatures.

Nick Canning

Nick Canning, a long time animal lover, has always wanted to have a cat of his own. Though he lives with an Australian Cattle dog, he knows something is missing in his life - a cat or cats.

In order to fill that void, he decided to share his love for the feline on Instagram one day on a whim by uploading a photo he took with his friend's cat. Since then, he has captured every moment he shares with his feline friends and won't let them go without some cuddles.

"None of the cats are mine. Our apartment is pretty tiny so we're waiting until we move into a bigger place to get one," Nick told Love Meow.

"Most of the cats in the pictures are my friends', and a few in there are strays or farm cats."

Nick Canning

"I put one picture up, and my friends liked it because I look a bit awkward holding cats, so I just kept it going. If it can help cats get adopted, that'd be even better," Nick told Love Meow.

This one particular kitty struck a pose with Nick for a purrfect shot.

Nick Canning

Some of the kitties he's befriended are barn cats.

This gorgeous panther kitty looks magnificent as Nick's little companion during his visit.

Nick Canning

Nothing is off the limits when it comes to photographing with cats.

Nick came across this purrfect portrait that was quite reminiscent to his own. Naturally, he had to pose with it.

Nick Canning

Nick befriended a little stray and spent some quality time with him.

He hopes his photos will help get some of these kitties adopted!

Nick Canning

His friends' cats can't escape some lovin' from their human admirer.

Nick requests to take a photo every time he visits a friend who has a cat or cats.

Nick Canning

Nick and a kitty with the perfect mustache!

Nick Canning


Nick Canning

This kitty is unsure about the purrparazzo but doesn't mind some cuddles from his biggest fan.

Nick Canning

Auggie the Cat.

Nick Canning

Snuggly friend.

Nick Canning

Nick and his feline pal!

Nick Canning

Though he doesn't have a cat at the moment, he's not letting anything stop him from showing his love for these adorable creatures.

Real men love cats!

Nick Canning

Share this story with your friends. Follow Nick and his kitty friends on Instagram.

Related story: Man Left His Job, Sold Everything to Travel With Cat Who Rescued Him During Toughest Time

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