Man Determined To Save Kitten From The Bottom of A Long Pipe

Man Determined To Save Kitten From The Bottom of A Long Pipe


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A man was determined to get a little tuxedo kitten who was trapped at the bottom a long and narrow pipe out to safety. Thanks to his heroic rescue, the little orphan made it out unscathed.

"A call for help came from a concerned neighbor who worried that there were orphaned kittens under a nearby mobile home. She heard cries emanating from below the home, and the mama cat she had seen a week prior was no longer appearing regularly, as she once had been," Tenth Life wrote on Facebook.

"Dedicated animal lover and Tenth Life volunteer, Andrew, crawled below the home to investigate and drew closer to the tiny cries with each move. Deep below the trailer, he discovered a one-foot-diameter open pipe, and there at the bottom was sweet tuxedo Tallulah."

"I don't do well with spiders, spider webs and closed-in spaces...but I wasn't leaving without her. I didn't have enough room to barely roll on my side but somehow by the grace of God I was able to get enough of my rope/pole down to her where she climbed on...I had to pull the rope with my teeth as I had my hands full with my light and my pole. Then I put her in my jacket and I belly-backed out of there about 100 feet into freedom," Andrew said on Tenth Life's Facebook.

45 minutes later, little Tallulah was safe in Andrew's determined and loving arms. She was dehydrated and emaciated, so Andrew took her home and gave her kitten formula, a quick health check, and lots of TLC.

"We're so grateful to Andrew for his selfless efforts," Tenth Life added.

An orphan kitten was trapped at the bottom of a long pipe.

Andrew of Tenth Life was determined to get the little tuxedo out to safety.

After 45 minutes of rescue efforts, this little kitten was safe in Andrew's determined and loving arms. He took her home and gave her a lot of food, care and love.

They named her Tallulah, and she will be available for adoption through Tenth Life when she is big enough.

Photos by Tenth Life. Follow them on Facebook.

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