Mister Meanor Police Department Cat

Mister Meanor Police Department Cat


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Mister Meanor who carries his police ID badge is no ordinary member of the police force at the Lindenhurst Police Department in Illinois. He takes his job of criminal justice and prevention very seriously despite his much smaller stature. Mister Meanor is trustworthy, reliable and always means business when it comes to law enforcement.

Mister Meanor is no human. He was a stray cat brought into the police department by Officer Ralph Goar back in 2001. Goar presented the cat to the chief, Jack McKeever, and suggested they keep the cat as their office mascot. They thought the cat would be able to soften the already tense and highly stressful atmosphere in the police department.

by Chicago Tribune

Mister Meanor has a knack for distinguishing criminals from good people. When he encounters a bad person, he howls ferouciously. When a lost child needs a bit of tender loving care, he often hops on the person's lap and purrs as a way to provide comfort. The way Meanor tells apart visitors has amazed every one in the office.

Meanor has a water fountain that he habitually drinks from. He usually waits by it and meows at any police officer nearby for assistance to get on the platform and press the button to release water. He has trained many police officers to service him when he is thirsty.

Meanor also shares a bathroom with the chief. He knows his way around the department and most people simply adore him.

Though a small number of police officers are still unsure about keeping a cat in the department as it is not traditionally how a police department is represented, McKeever insists to keep the cat. Meanor is able to sense a person's stress level and offer comfort. The little furry buddy is bringing something so valuable that even the toughest man in the department could not resist his wonderful spirit.

You can visit the Chicago Tribune to read more about Mister Meanor.

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