Newborn Kitten Found in Parking Lot Purrs in Her Rescuer's Arms

Newborn Kitten Found in Parking Lot Purrs in Her Rescuer's Arms


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A newborn kitten was spotted meowing alone in a corner of a parking lot. A kind-hearted woman picked up the tiniest kitten she'd ever seen and gave her some much-needed love and TLC. It was then the kitten let out her first purr.

Meet Sebi!

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

"She was found at the San Sebastián church parking lot, my husband heard her meowing alone in a corner area of the parking lot entrance. We had just attended our cousin's wedding there," Joey Mead-King told Love Meow.

As an experienced animal rescuer, who is happily owned by nine cats, Joey knew they had to look for the cat mother, but she was nowhere to be found. "Being so busy full of cars that day we believed mama cat may not come back in that area."

After she wrapped the kitten in a cloth bag, she finally stopped crying.

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

They dropped everything they were doing and immediately tended to the kitten. The little fur baby's life became their priority.

"Her eyes were still shut, umbilical cord still intact, dried blood on her hind legs, and full of dirt from her frantically pawing at the corner gate area.

"We rushed home while my family headed for the reception. My household already prepped a box, towel and KMR milk bottle to feed her."

When she bundled her up and held her in her arms, little Sebi started purring for the very first time. "It was then I knew she was going to be ok," Joey told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

"(We made) her a makeshift box home with a lamp wrapped inside cardboard to keep her warm," said Joey.

Sleeping comfortably on the first night at her new home.

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

She purrs now every time Joey pets her.

Over the course of next five weeks, they fed the kitten around the clock through many sleepless nights. By the end of week 4, the slow weaning process began.

They named her Sebastián (as they didn't know the kitten was a girl till later), nickname Sebi, or now Sebastiana.

Eyes opened!

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

Little Sebi graduated from the box and started exploring around her surroundings. She was full of curiosity and energy.

She could get away with anything with those eyes :).

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

At the stage when she became more playful than ever.

She filled the house with many silly kitty antics and kept her humans entertained with her larger-than-life purrsonality.

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

Sebi gives her rescuer a kiss.

"Thank you for saving my life."

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

"Last month she was adopted by my good friend who wanted to adopt a cat," Joey told Love Meow.

"She is so comfortable and very well loved... and the best part is that I see her often."

Sebi cuddling with her new sister, Danda, at her forever loving home.

Courtesy: Joey Mead-King @joeymeadking

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