Orphaned Kitten Found Behind Tool Shed Gets a New Sister for Life

Orphaned Kitten Found Behind Tool Shed Gets a New Sister for Life


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A man found a tiny orphaned kitten behind a tool shed. The mother cat was nowhere to be found, so he took him in and found him a little sister for life.

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

"My husband (Jack) was behind a tool shed at an apartment when something caught his eye... Teddy. He was about a month old and weighted just under a pound. He was all alone," Kathy Lyons told Love Meow.

"He was curled up in a little ball with his eyes squeezed shut. Jack thought he was hurt because he saw what ended up being his one white foot. It's a miracle he even saw him behind a ladder leaning against the shed."

They rushed the little kitten to the vet. "Apparently he had fallen out of the ravine and landed behind the shed."

Teddy cuddling with his rescuer - now forever human :).

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

Two weeks before they found Teddy, they adopted Olive the cat. When the two were introduced, Teddy became instantly attached.

"Olive's motherly instinct was awesome for being a baby herself," Kathy said. "She smelled him and started cleaning his face right away. She didn't mind him following her around 24/7. They slept together the very first night."

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

"We tried to bottle feed Teddy for a couple days but he followed Olive around and picked up eating very quickly."

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

"They love each other. I can't imagine one without the other now!"

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

Cuddles and more cuddles!

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

Teddy has grown into a handsome cat. He and Olive are best friends for life.

Courtesy of Kathy Lyons

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