Orphaned Kitten Hobbles Up to a Couple Meowing for Love...

Orphaned Kitten Hobbles Up to a Couple Meowing for Love...


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A couple found a tiny kitten wobbling about in the street all alone. The kitten hobbled up to them crying for help.

They couldn't leave him there.

Instagram @studio.allive

Once they brought the kitten home, he continued following his rescuers despite having an injured foot. After many sleepless nights and several trips to the vet, he began to heal.

The couple suspects that the kitten was left behind by his cat mother and had been wandering on his own for awhile. The fact that the kitten survived without much food at such a young age was a miracle on its own.

The kitten was so happy to have someone to love at last that he became very attached to his rescuers especially his human dad. He didn't want to be away from him for a second.

Instagram @studio.allive

One of his front legs was injured but nothing could slow him down.

All he wanted was love and companionship.

They feed the kitten around the clock with a syringe until he's ready for a bottle.

Their resident cat, who was also rescued by the couple, comes to offer a helping paw.

Instagram @studio.allive

She washes the kitten after every meal, and the whole family are working together to nurse the little fur baby back to health.

Instagram @studio.allive

In less than two weeks, the kitten's foot healed up well and his playful side came out in full swing.

The little kitten bonded with their baby girl. Best friends in the making :).

Cat lady in the making :)Instagram @studio.allive

Almost a month after the rescue, the kitten has made a full recovery.

He knows he's home!

Instagram @studio.allive

Playing with his human's feet!

Share this story with your friends. Follow the kitten on Instagram @studio.allive.

Related story: Stray Kitten Sprints Up to Man and Dog and Determined to Follow Them Home

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