Guy Sees Whole New Side of Himself Through an Orphaned Kitten He Saved

Guy Sees Whole New Side of Himself Through an Orphaned Kitten He Saved


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A tiny kitten was left behind on the day he was born. A man found him and took him in. Little did he know his life was about to change.

"I never thought myself to be the fatherly type but this little guy is showing me a whole new side of myself."

Courtesy: hidetolol

"When I found him the umbilical was still attached even," reddit user hidetolol said. "I have lost about three hours of sleep a night from my usual routine researching constantly about how to keep this baby alive! I've basically given up having a normal life for the next 5 more weeks to make sure to follow a rigorous feeding and pee/poop ritual."

His girlfriend got the kitten some formula while he fought to keep the tiny fur baby warm enough to stay alive and be fed.

This man has a few cats of his own but he never raised a kitten this young. "It has been quite exhausting as I'm getting up a few times a night. I made the decision to save it so I will bear the burden of the hard part," he said.

Courtesy: hidetolol

"I am very lucky that my brother's girlfriend works at a vet clinic and is able to baby sit for me while I'm stuck at my 9 to 5, but otherwise he has had a basic check up done and seems very healthy, all things considered!

"I have three more weeks of loving labor to help him poop until I'm there."

Courtesy: hidetolol

Sometimes newborn kittens are abandoned by their own mother due to health issues where the cat mom doesn't believe they will survive. But nothing can stop this guy from giving the kitty a chance to live. "Even if it's for a few months, it deserves to be loved."

Courtesy: hidetolol

Another reddit user commented that "To this kitty, you are now mom." He replied, "And that is a title I shall defend with my life!"

Courtesy: hidetolol

"As someone who was set on not having kids ever, this will probably be the closest I'll come to experiencing it," he said.

This morning, the kitten opened his eyes.

"He finally gets to associate a face to the smell!" The cat dad is very proud.

Courtesy: hidetolol

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Related story: Man Finds Tiny Newborn Kitten Alone In the Rain

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