Plumber Saves Tiny Orphaned Kitten: Then and Now!

Plumber Saves Tiny Orphaned Kitten: Then and Now!


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A plumber from San Jose, California heard a kitten's cry when he was on his way home from a job.

Beverley Santiago wrote: "My husband, Joshua Santiago, was on his way home from a late-night plumbing call in San Jose, CA, when he spotted a tiny 4 week old kitten alone in a car park who had just been abandoned by its mother.

"He crawled under a car to rescue the little kitten and brought him straight home." (via Real Men Are Kind To Animals)

Photo: Beverley Santiago

"The little guy was very ill with parasites, vision problems, and a horrible anal prolapse issue, which almost killed him. But thanks to his tough character, a good vet and lots of love and attention, our baby boy Branston (named after the British condiment) went on to make a full recovery and is now a gorgeous, fluffy 14 pound bundle of love."

Playing at his new home.

Photo: Beverley Santiago

Branston now, all grown up.

Photo: Beverley Santiago

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