Rescue Cat with Cleft Palate Nurses an Injured Goose and Many Other Animals in Need

Rescue Cat with Cleft Palate Nurses an Injured Goose and Many Other Animals in Need


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A rescue cat has been caring for shelter animals since the day he revealed his compassion to an injured goose.

"Pumpkin was a stray that was brought to our shelter (at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter) in 2013. During his intake process, we found out he was FIV+. Pumpkin also displayed a cleft palate and a scar on one of his eyes," Julie Armes, the shelter supervisor, told Love Meow.

Soon they found out just how special this little guy is...

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

"He was just the sweetest cat and good with everybody and everything. We couldn't understand how he was a stray. He is the type of cat that likes to be with people, he gives hugs and will jump up (whether you know it's coming or not) on you and head butt and give kisses," Armes told Love Meow.

"We decided to keep him as both a shelter ambassador but also a FIV+ ambassador. Any animal that came into our shelter, Pumpkin just had to meet it."

One day, Pumpkin surprised everyone with his incredible compassion towards an injured animal.

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

A goose was badly injured after being hit by a car and was brought into the shelter. It was very wild and wouldn't calm down, but as soon as Pumpkin jumped up on the table and sat next to it, the goose just settled down.

Everyone at the shelter was shocked by what they saw - a wild animal was calmed down by Pumpkin the cat.

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

Pumpkin nurses animals of all shapes and sizes.

"This includes aggressive animals, a couple lizards, snakes, a rabbit, potbellied pigs and an injured groundhog. He loves kitten and puppies! He has 'mothered' numerous litters!"

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

As soon as Pumpkin spots an animal that needs some TLC, he comes running to offer kisses (baths) and cuddles.

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

They brought in a Siamese Dumbo Rat, Batman, one day, and it didn't take long for Pumpkin to take the little buddy under his paws.

"Cleaning out his cage one day, Pumpkin, always the curious one, jumped right in Batman's kennel. A little stunned, we watched as Pumpkin started to clean Batman. Batman returned the favor," Armes told Love Meow.

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

From that day on, the two became best friends and would clean each other, play, eat, and do almost everything together.

"Batman passed on April 7th of this year, due to old age. He was almost 2.5 years old, and considered to have lived a very long life. Pumpkin was with him the entire time."

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

Now Pumpkin continues to work with shelter animals every day, nursing them back to health and giving them all the comfort and love he could supply.

Courtesy of Julie Armes at Oak Ridge Animal Shelter

Pumpkin has such amazing compassion for animals in need. Share this story with your friends!

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