Rescue Story: A Bundle of Joy

Rescue Story: A Bundle of Joy


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Update: Joy turned out to be a little boy :). He is now Scooter.

This lovely fur ball was abandoned on Terry's porch steps 9 days ago. "I assume it belongs to a feral cat that comes by often to play with Franklin (the cat) and get a free meal." Terry was not sure if he was ready for feedings every 2 hours as he did for other rescued kittens, but he was "determined to give it a fighting chance at survival."

Terry named the little one, Joy and started feeding her around the clock. His dog Molly was very intrigued by the new addition in the family. "She has volunteered to do the bathing, but was a bit surprised when the lil dear tried to nurse. She is doting on it though. It's so adorable."

Joy is growing bigger and stronger everyday. Lots of thanks to Terry for giving the little one a second chance at life.

Photos courtesy of Terry (©Digimager). To see how Joy is doing today, you can visit Terry's flickr.

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