Scallywag the One-eyed Scottish Fold

Scallywag the One-eyed Scottish Fold


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Meet Scallywag, the one-eyed Scottish fold. He was born with only 1 functioning eye, but the little pirate cat doesn't think he's any different.

His adoptive parents worked out having the surgery and adoption months in advance with the people who had him. "We waited for him to be healthy and strong enough after a few months and had it removed/cleaned/closed so that there [hopefully] wouldn't be any future problems with infection/draining etc. So far (he's just under 2.5 years old) he's been great" they wrote via reddit.

"Everyone asks how he plays and gets around with the eye and basically since day one its always been fine, really no different from another cat. He LOVES to play with all his toys, jumping at stuff attached to a string, he even plays a game of fetch with these soft nerf-like little ball toys we have."

Scallywag the one eyed Scottish Fold kitty says "Hi". (at 4.5 months old)

"I'm a pirate cat!"

2 years after they adopted Scallywag. All grown up now!

WATCH VIDEO: Scallywag purrs and licks!

Photo via Reddit.

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