Sailor Brings a Special Friend to Homecoming

Sailor Brings a Special Friend to Homecoming


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A US Navy sailor brought a very special friend to homecoming - an one-eyed cat who didn't have a home, but now has a big family to love.

Meet Heinrich the cat!

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

David and Kacie Strom had been talking about rescuing a cat from a shelter for quite some time. While he was out of town on duty, he went on the Cat House on the Kings' (CHOTK) website and spotted a special little ginger kitty who only has one eye.

"We always talked about how we wanted a kitty with a disability, a missing leg, or something that maybe someone else wouldn't want," Kacie told Love Meow.

"My husband found Heinrich... and applied to get him and kept the whole secret from me for about three weeks until he could get back into town."

The ginger kitten was brought into the cat sanctuary by a kind woman, who could see he needed a lot of help especially for his one eye. "We were able to get the URI cleared up, but could not save his eye," Harvie Schreiber of CHOTK told Love Meow.

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

The little fur buddy is trooper. He was so happy to be healthy after the surgery and couldn't get enough of love from the volunteers. Everyday he waited for that special someone to come take him home. Then one day, an application came in. "We only got one adoption application for this little guy," Schreiber said.

David watched the video of little Heinrich on the website and fell in love. He knew the little guy was the cat he would bring with to homecoming.

"We have been talking about rescuing a cat from a shelter for quite a while now," David wrote in the application. "The fact that this kitten has a missing eye just makes me want to take him home to my family even more."

On homecoming, David brought little Heinrich to meet his new family. It was the happiest day.

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

"He knew the kids (we have 4) would fall in love, and he was right," Kacie told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Kacie Tansy Strom

"Heinrich now has 1 kitty sister and a puppy brother and sister, he likes to play with the other animals."

He loves cuddling with his forever humans.

Courtesy: Kacie Tansy Strom

After a long time waiting, he has finally found a place to call home.

Heinrich may only have one eye, but he is the superhero in the family, saving everyone by bringing them joy and love every single day.

Courtesy: Kacie Tansy Strom

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support their rescue efforts at CHOTK, click here to see how you can help. Follow the Cat House on the Kings on Facebook.

Related story: Girl's Love for Her Special Needs Cat Has Sealed the Hole in His Heart

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