Shop Owner Creates Sanctuary for Homeless Cats In the Middle of Street Market..

Shop Owner Creates Sanctuary for Homeless Cats In the Middle of Street Market..


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In the middle of a street market in Agadir, Morocco, a shop owner has built a safe haven for stray cats where they can nap all day and have plenty of food to eat.

Photo: Ibrahim Fadel

This man named Nour Eddine has a big heart for cats especially those in need. He owns a garment shop in the market, and right in front of his store, there is a beautiful garden he created for the local strays. It's a sanctuary for the homeless cats.

Many people come to the market to buy traditional or local products. When they pass by the shop, they can't help but notice the adorable happy kitties that are lounging around in the mini garden. They have food, water and are well taken care of.

Nour takes in any sick kitties and nurses them back to health. He feeds the cats and makes sure they don't go hungry. With the sanctuary in place, the cats can have a safe place to stay.

Photo: Ibrahim Fadel

Dozens of cats wait outside his shop every day for their meals. The kind-hearted man provides food and medical care for the kitties and have the female cats spayed to help control the population, all out of his own pocket.

Visitors sometimes make a donation when they stop by the shop.

Photo: Ibrahim Fadel

Nour's son helps him take are of his shop so he can have more time to look after the cats and help more in need.

Photo: Ibrahim Fadel

"My house is full of cats, and the cats of the neighborhood know where I live and wait for me to arrive at night. So my car stops and they surround me from each side," Nour said. ( agadirinfo)

"There's always food in the trunk, and I do not enter my house until I finish my duty feeding the cats. These cats don't have a home, so they depend on me to feed them."

Photo: Ibrahim Fadel

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