Story of Mocha a Thankful Siamese

Story of Mocha a Thankful Siamese


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Mocha was found wandering on the street. He was very shy and scared. No one knows for sure where he came from, but he was discovered with pink paint or dye on his chest and a deep scar on his nose. Jeremy K. suspected that he probably had escaped from a pet store or salon.

Mocha was hiding for several days after Jeremy found him. "He was very scared of people and it was hard to get close to him," said Jeremy.

However, after a lot of waiting and trying, Jeremy finally gained his trust and he was able to bring him home with him.

Jeremy spent days and nights with Mocha. He started getting more and more comfortable with his new daddy.

"He started to jump around and play, sat on my lap and stomach when he wanted to be petted. He even crawled on my shoulder like a little parrot."

Story and photos courtesy of ©Jeremy K.

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