Story of Sonja a Former Stray

Story of Sonja a Former Stray


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Sonja came to Jenna and her family as a little stray along with her litter mates. She is now 2 years old and living with her two human parents and 4 other cats.

Written by Jenna Johanna.

Sonja is a tiny girl with a big personality. She adores her big brother Pixie so much. Wherever he is, you can find Sonja. She follows him around in the house, takes nap with him and just loves everything he does. She has always been very close to him from the start. You can tell from her face that she totally looks up to her big brother Pixie.

Sonja demands fresh water all the time. When she wants me to refill the water bowl, she will sit by the bowl, and wait patiently until I do something about it. I am such a sucker when she does that. It doesn't take long for me to run over with things that she asks for.

Sonja is a shy girl, she trusts my husband and me but no other humans. Because she was a little stray when she came to us, it must be the reason that she tends to be very alert and cautious. If she is cuddling in your lap, she wants everything to be quiet. If you make a sudden move, she will be easily frightened.

Sonja has beautiful markings on her face. Just looking at her melts my heart. We love our little Sonja. She is a great part of our big cat family and gives so much joy and laughter to us. I feel happy when I see her beautiful face. I can't imagine my life without this little speedball of love!

Photos courtesy of ©Jenna Johanna (flickr: Jenna_Jo).

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