Syrian Refugee Travels Thousands of Miles with His Kitten to Hungary, Hoping to Start Again

Syrian Refugee Travels Thousands of Miles with His Kitten to Hungary, Hoping to Start Again


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This man has made it out of Syria with his beloved cat Johnny. He carries him on his shoulders and feeds him the little food he has.

Photo by Saverio Serravezza

Many refugees left almost everything behind but their beloved pets. Many have traveled over 2,000 km (1,242 miles) with their dogs or cats to the camp near the village of Roszke, Hungary.

Omer has journeyed all the way from Syria with his kitten Johnny. He carries him on his shoulders at a collection point for migrants in Roszke.

Photo: REUTERS/Marko Djurica

"I'm Omer and this is my cat, Johnny. We're from Syria. I'm 25 and Johnny is 5 months old," he said to a journalist.

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Omer keeps his kitten close with him at the makeshift camp.

Even with the very little they can carry, Omer is not leaving his kitten behind. He's keeping Johnny safe, hoping for a chance to start again.

Photo: João de Almeida Dias

Related story: Syrian family brought their beloved cat to Greece.

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