traffic police rescues kitten before run over by bus

Police Officer Runs into Traffic to Save Kitten from Being Run Over


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A police officer became a local hero after he stopped a bus that was about to run over a tiny kitten in the busiest road of Lima, Peru.

traffic police rescues kitten before run over by busYouTube

Lorena Castro was driving by the area, when she spotted the tiny ginger kitten lying in the busy highway. She immediately stopped her car and was about to intervene and rescue the kitten.

The police officer who passed by, advised her to stay in the car and let him handle the situation according to Newsier.

traffic police rescues kitten before run over by busYouTube

Castro captured the entire rescue on camera. The officer stopped an upcoming bus so he could safely pick up the kitten and remove her from the road.

He used his whistle to signal the speeding cars to slow down as he walked to Castro's car and gently handed the kitten over to her.

traffic police rescues kitten before run over by busYouTube

Watch the full video here:

Castro wanted to give him money to thank him for what he did, but the anonymous officer declined and went back to continue his duties.

The kitten, now named Polly Tana after the city's Metropolitano bus line, has been adopted by Castro and is doing very well at her new home.

First day home!

traffic police rescues kitten before run over by bus kitten adoptedPhoto: Lorena Castro

Polly Tana has made a new friend!

polly tana kitten saved from road by policePhoto: Lorena Castro

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