Two Little Furry Sisters: Riza and Mei

Two Little Furry Sisters: Riza and Mei


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Riza and Mei are two sisters from a shelter in Washington state. They found their forever together home a month ago.

Riza and Mei are very playful. They love their cardboard boxes besides the regular toys their mom got them. When they saw their new cat condo the first time, they weren't so interested. "After a couple days of ignoring their cat condo, Riza and Mei have taken quite a shine to it."

The two little rascals play hard, but they sleep even harder. When the weather gets hot, they will lie on the floor, sprawl out and doze off for hours. "That's the best way to while away those hot summer days."

As sweet as they can be, sometimes they wrestle and fight to show each other dominance. "Even the sweetest sisters have their scraps. Plus, Mei would try the patience of a saint."

Photos courtesy of J.K. (flickr: jk079).

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