Unrelated Rescue Kittens Become Family

Unrelated Rescue Kittens Become Family


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They may not be related, but they sure look like family. These kitties had a rough start in life, but when they found each other at Good Karma Pet Rescue of Florida, they cuddled up to each other as if they came from the same family, and that they needed each other.

The ginger kitten was rescued from a bucket along with his two other siblings. They were very sick and orphaned, fighting for survival. He and his calico sister made it. While his sister had been adopted, the ginger boy came back to the shelter, where he was introduced to his two buddies who were rescued from Craigslist.

Now they continue cuddling with each other while awaiting their forever homes.

They may not be related, but they sure look like family. The ginger boy was rescued from a bucket as a sick kitten and nursed back to health. He was introduced to his new buddies who were rescued from Craigslist.

They continue cuddling with each other while awaiting their forever homes.

Photos by Good Karma Pet Rescue of Florida. Follow them on Facebook.

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