Ginger Kitten with Broken Leg Asks Woman for Help, She Couldn’t Say No

Ginger Kitten with Broken Leg Asks Woman for Help, She Couldn’t Say No


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One year ago a young woman stumbled across a little kitten with a broken leg. She couldn't help but fall for him.

Meet Todd the cat.

Courtesy: Brianna Walker

Brianna Walker has come across many animals working at a vet clinic, but a tiny ginger, who showed up on their porch one day, stole her heart.

"I went to take one of our (canine) clients on their morning walk when he started barking, I started looking around and a little orange kitten came stumbling towards me," Walker told Love Meow.

"I took the dog back inside and went back outside to save this precious kitten."

Soon she realized that the kitten's back legs were hurt and one was broken. As a cat lover, she knew she had to help the little guy. "I called my boss and she met me at the clinic."

Before surgery, getting ready for x-ray.

Courtesy: Brianna Walker

The kitten's leg was injured very badly but they refused to give up. "We went into surgery and put a pin in his leg."

Todd was the sweetest he could be throughout the entire time at the vet's office. His love came pouring through every time Walker went to check on him.

"He was purring and rubbing all over me," Walker told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Brianna Walker

After he was discharged from the clinic, he went home with Walker, his forever human.

"He's been by my side ever since along with my other fur children!"

Courtesy: Brianna Walker

"I think I was meant to find him and he was meant to find me. He never leaves my side.

"He's very needy but very laid back." His favorite pastime is to nap on his human mom.

Courtesy: Brianna Walker

"I'm so thankful that we found each other that day. I can't help but worry someone else would have found him and not give him a chance," Walker told Love Meow.

It's been exactly a year since their paths crossed. "I love my little boy! I have no clue what I would do without him."

Courtesy: Brianna Walker

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Related story: Ginger Cat Traveled Half a Mile to Be with Man He Befriended

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