Woman Saved Kitten Found in Middle of Road - Little Did She Know the Kitty Would Save Her Too.

Woman Saved Kitten Found in Middle of Road - Little Did She Know the Kitty Would Save Her Too.


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A little kitten was in need of a home and someone to love after he was found in the middle of the road. A young woman took him in and saved his life, but little did she know that the kitten would save her, too.

Meet Kimbo!

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

Kimbo was spotted lying in the road motionless, all alone. He was cold and wet and barely breathing. The little one needed 24 hour monitoring in order to survive. A young woman learned about Kimbo's plight and offered to take him.

"I knew in an instant that I had to have him. So in the middle of October he became mine," Kimbo's human mom told Love Meow.

The little scraggly kitten moved into his new home. He curled up in his human's arms for that much-needed love and warmth. The sweet tabby became very attached to his human mom as she looked after him around the clock - fed him, cleaned him and kept him warm.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

"He is the most loving and affectionate cat I have ever met. He never leaves my side and loves to sit on my shoulder like a parrot," she told Love Meow.

Kimbo is a forever silent meower due to his vocal chords being damaged from the sickness. He also struggles from sinus issues, but nothing has dampened his spirits.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

After many sleepless nights and multiple trips to the vet, the little tabby boy was nursed back to health and his personality began to shine through.

A week after Kimbo joined the family, their 18-year-old cat Shania crossed the rainbow bridge.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

"I knew Kimbo came into my life for a reason. Without him, I would have been a total mess. I'm thankful for him everyday," she told Love Meow.

While she was grieving her loss, Kimbo kept her company at all time, watching over his human mom.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

Sweet Kimbo has become his mom's little guardian angel, following her everywhere she goes.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

He has amazing whiskers and big, stunning eyes!

Kimbo loves to watch and supervise everything his human does.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

The best thing to wake up to in the morning!

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

When Kimbo was healthy, he was introduced to the other resident cat, Chance.

The big brother shows the little guy the ropes around the house and already they are planning their next mischief.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

Their first Christmas together!

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

Chance quickly took on the role of the brother and taught little Kimbo how to play like a cat.

Sharing his favorite toy, the cardboard box, with the little tabby.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

The little sickly kitten has blossomed into a gorgeous fluffy kitty!

The young woman gave the kitten a second chance at life, and Kimbo returned the favor by saving her, too.

Chance and Kimbo @chancetheragdollandkimbo

Little silent meower :)

Share this story with your friends. Follow Kimbo and Chance on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Kitten Shows Up on Patio, Meowing to Open the Door, Now 2 Years Later

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